Thursday, May 6, 2010

Knife Infomercial Skit by Katie Heck

Knife Infomercial Skit by Katie Heck

(A and B enter stage with knife.)

A: Hello, I’m (name).

B: And I’m (name).

Both: And we’re here to tell you about the new Llamarama Indestructible Knife!

A: It slices (Demonstrates knife)-

B: It dices-

Both: And it will never break!

A: Are you thinking this is too good to be true?

B: Are you wondering just how much a knife like this would cost?

Both: Well we will tell you-

A: This knife is made from a new steel that will never break, rust, or get dull.

B: And if you call within the next ten minutes, it can be yours for only ten payments $5.99!
Both: This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer! SO CALL NOW!

B: Call 555-1234 (Finger motions to show numbers) now! Once again, that’s 555-1234! (Finger motions again. A test knife one more time to prove it can’t break and it snaps in half.)

A: (Throws knife away) Ummm…And if you call in the next five minutes, we will throw in the Indestructible fork and spoon! (Both have big fake smile.)

(End scene, both exit)

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