Thursday, September 15, 2011

To Empty the Trash

Here's a quick script I whipped up, once again due to a conversation with Borrik Svenson. Enjoy!

To Empty the Trash by Katie Schultz


2 chairs

(Cameron and Sabine enter and sit down.)

Sabine: Let’s get started. Mom asked us to empty the trash.

Cameron: To do that, we’ll need a meeting to discuss planning and the budget.

Sabine: We’ll also need committees for both of those.

Cameron: We should probably write this down.

Sabine: I’m recording it so my secretary can transcribe it.

Cameron: Who’s your secretary?

Sabine: You. We’ll also need to talk to the CFO, and possibly hire some temps.

Cameron: Why not hire interns?

Sabine: Temps are more fun. We need to clear this whole project with the environmental and special-interest groups too. Oh! We’ll need to hire a lawyer to write a non-discrimination hiring thingamajig. Let’s make him a temp too.

Cameron: Okay. We’ll also need to rent or buy an office building.

Sabine: I figured we’d have to do that, so I looked at a couple. The one that sounds best is currently having the bathrooms renovated, so we won’t be able to move in immediately.

Cameron: Why are they redoing the bathrooms?

Sabine: Apparently the dimensions for a handicapped stall changed.

Cameron: Oh.

Sabine: We’ll also need to redo the parking lot. It’s in bad shape.

Cameron: Okay. Let’s get that kind of pavement that has milk jugs in it.

Sabine: Milk jugs?

Cameron: Sometimes they put milk jugs in the pavement when it’s still soft. It keeps it in better shape longer.

Sabine: Okay. We’ll also have to have a forest trail, tennis courts and a gym put in for the employees.

Cameron: Let’s put in a Capture the Flag area too.

Sabine: Sounds good to me. I think we’ll get a shuttle to go from the new building to the old building.

Cameron: A space shuttle?

Sabine: Why not?

Cameron: We can have some people set up a server at the building.

Sabine: The building isn’t equipped with internet, so we’ll have to have that installed.

Cameron: What kind of office supplies will we need?

Sabine: I think we should go down to Staples and OfficeMax and buy all their stock. It’s better to have too much than not enough.

Cameron: Make sure we get enough Post-It Notes and whiteboards. They’re fun!

Sabine: I will. Did you know that dry-erase markers come in 30 colors?

Cameron: Nope. Say, what rough estimate are we up to now?

Sabine: I think it’s about 4 million, plus the space shuttle. Do you have anything else to say, or shall we present our report to the CEO?

Cameron: Let’s go. No time like the present.

(Both exit.)

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